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852 hz Love Frequency, Raise Your Energy Vibration, Deep Meditation, Healing Tones

Этот трек идеально подходит для глубокой медитации, он выведет вас на высокие вибрационные уровни.
Мы получили частоту 852 Гц с прекрасно настроенным древним тибетским колоколом. Эта особенность придает ценность песне.
852 Гц — Возвращение к духовному порядку, к Источнику. Этот тон связан с частотой чистой любви: безусловной любви. Непосредственно с принципом света и света связана высшая форма биоэнергетики. Он вводится на высоких вибрационных уровнях. Сенсибилизирует и открывает человеку духовные переживания, берущие начало в Духе.

You can download this track with the title “852 hz Love Frequency” here:
Amazon: amzn.to/2QkLjrS
7 Digital: bit.ly/32kWNkF
or you can listen to it on:
Spotify: spoti.fi/31o3cfW
Deezer: bit.ly/3hrQeDe
YouTube Music: bit.ly/2CTo0T3
Napster: bit.ly/3hnJ96V
Tidal: bit.ly/3goTP3M

Для тестирования этого трека мы использовали эти наушники www.sleepphones.com/?aff=105
Они имеют высокое качество звука и очень удобны.

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Рейки Музыка:
Здесь вы можете найти музыку для ваших процедур Рейки с звонком каждые 3 минуты или без звонка. Треки со звонком меняются на каждую позицию с мелодиями и гармониями, детально изученными для облегчения лечения.

Музыка для медитации и йоги:
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Звуки медитации
Музыка в этом плейлисте имеет общую характеристику: отсутствие гармонических изменений и очень тонкие мелодии, которые делают эти песни идеальными для глубокой медитации.

Чакра медитация музыка с тибетскими чашами
Мы создали новый плейлист, который собирает треки медитации чакры. Особенностью этих композиций является то, что они были составлены только с тибетскими колоколами. Звук абсолютно естественный, вы будете чувствовать их рядом с собой.
Мы предлагаем вам прослушать этот трек на низкой громкости.

Расслабляющая музыка:
Эти треки можно использовать в любой ситуации: в качестве фона во время работы, в моменты отдыха после напряженного дня или просто когда вы хотите.

Короткая медитация и расслабляющий трек:
Короткие треки от 4 до 10 минут для короткой медитации или для релаксации. Их можно слушать последовательно, чтобы получить длинный и разнообразный трек по желанию.

Бинауральные ритмы:
Это определенно самый особенный плейлист. Каждый трек составлен для определенной цели.
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℗ 2020 Music for Body and Spirit – Meditation Music All rights reserved.
Buy our music:
Google Play: goo.gl/Vw9oXN
Amazon: amzn.to/2WV4KvT
7 Digital: bit.ly/2RkItUZ
Streaming music:
Spotify: goo.gl/3p2Rme
Deezer: goo.gl/FeJfXz
YouTube Music: bit.ly/37nR5zT
Napster: bit.ly/2GgexmN
Akazoo: bit.ly/2sWG49W
Tidal: bit.ly/2RJBCUf
Find us with the name “Music Body and Spirit”
℗ 2020 Music Body and Spirit All rights reserved.
Our site: www.musicforbodyandspirit.com/

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For business enquiries: info@musicforbodyandspirit.com

#solfeggiofrequencies #meditation #meditate

Planting The Art | Haidy Mousa | TEDxFalakiStreet

The young researcher, Heidi Taqi El Din Moussa, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, won the Best Scientific Research Presentation Award — Youth Category — President of the International Mediterranean Forum for Renewable Energy and Green Buildings MED Green Forum 2019 — University of Florence, Italy, which was held at the University of Florence in Florence. (The Renaissance City and Michelangelo) in Italy from 2 to 6 September 2019, in the presence of more than 115 international delegations from all over the world, representing 27 Egyptian promoting countries. Architect who build up my knowledge in many topics and in different directions.

Team leader of a multi-discipline international team. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Sustainability Transition in Greece | Prof. Phoebe Koundouri | TEDxEuropeanSustainabilityAcademy

This talk was shown live at TEDxEuropeanSustainabilityAcademy, Crete online event, 17.10.2020
Theme: ‘Making sense of climate change on Crete: Taking Action’
Prof. Phoebe Koundouri talks about the Sustainability Transition in Greece in the context of sustainable recovery post the 2020 covid19 virus pandemic.
Whilst the world is focussed on the pandemic, Prof. Koundouri reminds us to pay attention to the ‘mother of all crisis’, the climate crisis.
She describes the urgent need to decarbonise national energy plans and presents technological pathways to enable decarbonisation.
With the aim of ‘leaving no one behind’, job space green recovery, sustainable and inclusive economies, she emphasizes the need for up-skilling and reskilling the labour force to keep up with the 4th industrial revolution towards sustainability.
Looking specifically at the role of ESG reporting and green finance lead innovation, she explains the importance of the EU taxonomy and the creation of clusters on sustainability transition.
Professor Koundouri holds a PhD and MPhil in Economics and Econometrics from the University of Cambridge (UK). She is Chair of Sustainable Development at the School of Economics, Athens University of Economics (AUEB) and Business

Will GlobalClimateChange Alter Fundamental ImmuneReactivity | Maria Gramatiuk | TEDxMedUniGraz

What impact does climate change have on our health? Why is the health of children particularly vulnerable when it comes to climate change?
Let us listen to what Maria Gramatiuk has to say on her topic: Will Global Climate Change Alter Fundamental Immune Reactivity And Child Health? (Video recording for TEDxMedUniGraz 2020) Maria is currently a high school student, a woud be graduate from a Math class. Previously, she studied at a school specialising in foreign languages. She devotes free time to Art and Science being a versatile person. She is interested in learning foreign languages and is improving her skills in German and English.
Mary is a bit of a rebel and embodies the adventure and dedication of a true researcher. She shows interest in science and has taken part in winning prizes in the section of Human biology and Medicine.
At school, she is a member of the Rada of high school students and shows leadership qualities, which also help her in organizing scientific days at the Ukrainian Biobank Association, where she is the Head of the Department of a Younger scientific group.
She enjoys painting and choreography.

Her acquired determination and skills will help her in the future to make people beautiful to maintain their health. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Смелость быть отцом | Гульнар Тындыбаева | TEDxAlmaty

В своей истории Гульнар, успешная предпринимательница, делится своим необычным опытом, а вернее опытом своего отца, который в одиночку воспитал троих детей. Смелость отца натолкнула Гульнар на мысль о разнице материнского и отцовского подходов.

Соучредитель первого казахстанского fashion и lifestyle интернет-портала Look.tm, а также соучредитель первого казахстанского вебсайта для женщин Comode.kz. Вот уже 10 лет работает в сфере управления проектами. Благодаря своей профессиональной деятельности, Гульнар можно смело назвать opinion лидером в таких областях как мода и красота.

Она была одной из участников проекта от Burberry London, который назывался Art of Trench, вошла в список 50 самых влиятельных людей в модной индустрии Казахстана.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

What Makes "Generation Z" So Different? | Harry Beard | TEDxAstonUniversity

Harry Beard is a 17-year-old entrepreneur who co-founded the generation Z marketing consultancy firm, «Future Labs». Generation Z are, at an increasingly young age, putting themselves at the forefront of global discourse and empowering themselves through social media. Harry has empowered himself through the pursuit of learning and educating business about what makes generation Z so different, and is now on the TEDx stage to share his thoughts. Harry Beard is a 17-year-old entrepreneur who co-founded the generation Z marketing consultancy firm, «Future Labs». Generation Z are, at an increasingly young age, putting themselves at the forefront of global discourse and empowering themselves through social media. Harry has empowered himself through the pursuit of learning and educating business about what makes generation Z so different, and is now on the TEDx stage to share his thoughts. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Hows your social health? Lets test it. | Dr. Chelsea Shields | TEDxSaltLakeCity

Weve all heard of physical and mental health, but another important aspect to our overall health and wellbeing is social health. In fact, recently in the United States, the surgeon general revealed that social isolation and loneliness just topped obesity to claim second place as one of the top three killers in America.

Humans are highly social creatures, but that doesnt always mean that our social interactions are healthy. In this informative talk, Dr. Chelsea Shields, explains how our emotions can easily be high-jacked and then offers guidance on how to evaluate and level up our social health.

This presentation was filmed during the COVID-19 pandemic, with only a limited live audience of cast and crew members. While applause has been added to the beginning and end of the video, all other aspects have intentionally remained as filmed to honor the struggle and loss experienced globally during 2020.

Wardrobe furnished by Tommaso Cardullo. Dr. Chelsea Shields is a bio-social anthropologist, placebo studies expert, and runs a local consulting business.

In her academic work, Dr. Shields focuses on the evolution and elicitation of the placebo effect outside medical contexts. She coined the concept of social susceptibility to talk about how and why our human bodies have evolved to react, adjust, and adapt to specific social rituals, relationships and communities. Her work also investigates the evolutionary mismatch of modern human hyper-sociality and the health implications of a global, digital, 24/7 social network.

In her professional work, Shields runs a research and strategy business that specializes in qualitative, quantitative, and ethnographic research as well as creative ideation, branding, and user-experience design.

Dr. Shields is also a TED Fellow, 3x TED speaker, and teaches speaker training that is focused on the 90% of communication we never talk about: the non-verbals! This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Master the art of public speaking with TED Masterclass

Take the first step towards mastering the art of public speaking by checking out TED Masterclass, TED’s newest mobile app: bit.ly/TEDMasterclassApp

— At TED, we’re passionate about public speaking. Whether from a stage, over a podcast, in a classroom or at your workplace — learning how to effectively share your best ideas creates opportunities for both you and your audience. TED Masterclass features a beautifully animated 11-lesson course, choice TED Talks that model the concepts covered in each lesson, and a continuous flow of exclusive insights from TED’s speaker coaching team. Learn how to identify, develop and share your best ideas in the form of TED-style Talks.

If you’re on a smartphone, you can download the mobile app and preview every lesson in the course for free. And if you decide to purchase the full course, all proceeds will support the work of TED’s global education initiative, TED-Ed.

How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen

Frederik Imbo studied theatre at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent and has acted in lots of television series. He founded Imboorling and now has over 15 years experience in stimulating and supporting people. With the aim of improving their communication skills Frederik gives presentations, workshops, training courses and personal coaching sessions to anyone prepared to make their two ears available.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

I was in opioid withdrawal for a month — heres what I learned | Travis Rieder | TEDxMidAtlantic

The United States accounts for five percent of the worlds population but consumes almost 70 percent of the total global opioid supply, creating an epidemic that has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths each year. How did we get here, and what can we do about it? In this personal talk, Travis Rieder recounts the painful, often-hidden struggle of opioid withdrawal and reveals how doctors who are quick to prescribe (and overprescribe) opioids arent equipped with the tools to eventually get people off the meds. Travis Rieder, PhD, is the Assistant Director for Education Initiatives, Director of the Master of Bioethics degree program and Research Scholar at the Berman Institute of Bioethics.

Travis’ work tends to fall into one of two, quite distinct research programs. The first concerns ethical and policy questions about sustainability and planetary limits. Much of this research has been on issues in climate change ethics and procreative ethics with a particular focus on the intersection of the two – that is, on the question of responsible procreation in the era of climate change. The second research program concerns ethical and policy issues surrounding America’s opioid epidemic.

In addition to his more scholarly writing, Travis is firmly committed to doing bioethics with the public. He writes regularly for The Conversation and blogs occasionally at The Huffington Post and the Berman Institute Bioethics Bulletin. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx