Vrindavan Parikrama is a spiritual walk undertaken by devotees around Vrindavan town in Uttar Pradesh. It has no particular start or end place. As long as you end at the same place you start, the purpose is served. One possible path is to start from the famous ISKCON temple, covers a distance of 10 km (6.2 mi)in about three hours. It is generally done on Ekadasi (eleventh lunar day of the waxing and waning of Moon). The route followed is from ISKCON temple, walk close to the Krishna Balarama Temple, the Krishna-Balarama tree, Gautam Rishis Ashrama (located on the left while on the right is Varaha Ghata), the Kaliya Ghata, Madana Mohana Temple with red sandstone tower, small wooden bridge, to Imli Tala, the Imli Tala tree, Sringara Vata (on the right), the Kesi Ghat (one of the famous Monuments in Vrindavan), the Tekari Rani temple, the Jagannatha temple and the small temple of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and in the final stretch cross the Mathura-Vrindavan road. After crossing this road, after another 1 km walking, reach the starting point of the Parikrama. During the Parikrama, one chants the mantras (Jap or Hymns ) within, uses body power (Tap) to accomplish the Parikrama and keeps a fast (not eat anything) (Vrata) till the Parikrama is completed.
A journey through Tajikistan with touroperator Monkey King (Koning Aap) in May 2014.
Tajikistan, officially the Republic of Tajikistan is a mountainous, landlocked country in Central Asia with an estimated population of 8.7 million people as of 2016, and an area of 143,100 km2 (55,300 sq mi). It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, and China to the east. Traditional homelands of Tajik people included present-day Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.
Новый научно-популярный фильм представляет основные заповедники, заказники и национальные парки Байкальского региона. Особый акцент сделан на экологические тропы, дающие возможность прикоснуться к природе в ее первозданном виде.
Производство киностудии «Атлас медиа».
Авторы фильма: Михаил и Елена Чумак.
Продюсер: Сергей Куделя.
Фильм создан при поддержке:
Байкальского проекта UNDP baikal.iwlearn.org/ru
Глобального экологического фонда ООН — GEF
Фонда содействия сохранению озера Байкал
проекта научно-популярного и документального кино «Атлас культуры».
Музыка: Alizbar
Trekking in the Langtang area of Nepal, spring 2013. The forests are full of red, pink and white rhododendron flowers. The mountain peaks are covered in fresh snow. The prayer flags flutter in the wind. The trek took us to the peaks at the top of the Langtang valley, including Tsergo Ri, with views of the lowest 8000m peak Sishapangma. Later we reached the sacred lakes at Gosainkund. Back in Kathmandu at the end are the many temples in Durbah Square, and the 43m high Bhudist stupa at Boudhanath.