The Enigma series by Shinobu Entsu for the Musical Project Shinnobu
#Shinnobu Best hits of the enigma 2017 to 2018 Greatest hist full Album 2018 Mystic Voices Gregorian Catus Lesiem style Enigmatic world (Enigma Red Lounge 2018) Enigma Chillout Music (New Songs)
«Deep in the ancient forest» by zero-project (
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Dare to navigate other worlds, other realities where magic and fantasy are real, where Fairies, elementary creatures of nature and epic songs, create a unique environment is their genre.
Cross the veil of the Enigma, with new horizons.
Only by Love
Hypnotic Eyes
Stay With Me
For Ever and Ever
Bentween Light and Darkness
Buried in Your Past
Forgotten We Went
In the Heaven
Shadows of My Being
Atrévete a navegar por otros mundos, otras realidades donde la magia y la fantasía son reales, donde Hadas, criaturas elementales de la naturaleza y canciones épicas, crean un ambiente único es su género.
Cruza el velo del Enigma, con nuevos horizontes.
Не бойтесь ориентироваться в других мирах, в других реальностях, где реальны магия и фэнтези, где феи, элементарные существа природы и эпические песни создают уникальную среду — это их жанр.
Пересеките завесу загадки, с новыми горизонтами.
Osez naviguer dans dautres mondes, dautres réalités où la magie et la fantaisie sont réelles, où les fées, créatures élémentaires de la nature et chansons épiques, créent un environnement unique.
Traverser le voile de lénigme, avec de nouveaux horizons.
Îndrăzniți să navigați prin alte lumi, alte realități în care magia și fantezia sunt reale, unde Zânele, creaturi elementare ale naturii și cântece epice, creează un mediu unic este genul lor.
Traversați vălul Enigmei, cu noi orizonturi.
העזו לנווט בעולמות אחרים, מציאויות אחרות בהן הקסם והפנטזיה הם אמיתיים, שם פיות, יצורים טבעיים ושירים אפיים, יוצרים סביבה ייחודית היא הזאנר שלהם.
חצו את מעטה האניגמה, עם אופקים חדשים.
Спокойная музыка для расслабления и душевного отдыха.
1. After of my Life — 00:01
2. Gregorian Recordare — 05:12
3. Intense Experience — 10:38
4. Seventh Heaven — 16:30
5. A door to Eternity — 21:34
6. Divine Ascension — 27:15
7. Onix Mortis Monks — 32:46
8. Signus Dei — 37:24
9. Moment of Peace — 42:49
10. Elementals Monks Hymn — 48:26
Relaxing music with soothing musical instruments, and a perfect mixture of relaxing beats. Can be used as Sleeping Music, Studying Music, Relaxing Music, Healing Music, Spa Music, Massage Music, Yoga Music, Stress Relief.
Calm, Quiet and Peaceful music thatll bring you into a Blissful state of peace and balance.
In my music I used 432 Hz which is based in nature and therefore it generates healthy effect and brings natural harmony and balance. The pure energy of 432 Hz removes mental block and opens a way to a more fulfilling life.
When life is hectic, all you need is a break and make yourself feel better by having some «breathing time» with some relaxing music.
So lean back, unwind and relax.
If you enjoyed my music I would be very happy if you will subscribe to my channel.