Полина Гагарина и Юлия Ахмедова. Вечерний Ургант. 1275 выпуск от 27.03.2020

Полина Гагарина расскажет о своих подопечных в проекте «Голос. Дети», Юлия Ахмедова представит новое шоу «Нам надо серьезно поговорить», а с музыкальным номером выступят Григорий Лепс и Тимур Родригез.

VK: vk.com/vecherniy.urgant
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Kadamba Kanana Swami - Day 1 - Radhadesh Mellows 2020

Kadamba Kanana Swami leading us into truly rocking roll Kirtan with the Holy Name taking its rightful central place @Radhadesh Mellows 2020

Enjoying the kirtans?

Support the Annual Free Festival by Subscribing to our Official Radhadesh Mellows Channel here and by Liking each of our videos.
You can also show more direct support by donating or getting the incredible Live Kirtan Albums with first class mixed sound which enhanced the general experience here:


With much appreciation from the many that work tirelessly and for free in order to make this incredible festival and Kirtan opportunity a reality for anyone around the world

Most Dangerous Ways To School | NEPAL | Free Documentary

Those who attend school in the mountain village of Kumpur, walk across the mountains of the highest situated country on earth. Nearly half of Nepals lies more than 4 000 Meters above sea level. Today its normal that the kids go to school in the valley, but just 50 years ago the village was completely self sufficient. Only if there was a lack of salt would someone twice a year hard off to refill the stock. Today the children go to the city almost on a daily basis and are immediately forced to cross the dangerous river. A village in distress is left behind. The village community Kumpur is spread across 18 farms on the Dhap Mountain. Their families live in a very remote area.

These families have lived on their land now for thousands of years herding their life-sustaining cattle without electricity, running water or contact to the outside world. Although they constantly ask themselves if the promise of an education justifies the danger of the path involved, they send their children day after day to school.

COBRA GYPSIES - full documentary

Приключение с индийскими цыганами, новый фильм Рафаэля Трезы
Instagram: www.instagram.com/raphaeltreza/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/raphaeltreza...
Site: www.raphaeltreza.com


Donnation: www.raphaeltreza.com/donate
Patreon www.patreon.com/raphaeltreza


Borneo Death Blow: youtu.be/TiQBTesZUJQ
Hallucinogen Honey Hunters: youtu.be/Y_b2i_FvYPw

Бэкстейдж к фильму "Зона смерти Нанга Парбат". Съёмка дроном Mavic на высотах 8000 м

Видео о том, как проходили съемки экстремального фильма «Зона смерти Нанга Парбат, 8125» (Зона риска Нанга Парбат 8125). Производить съёмки на высоте очень сложно, тем более, когда речь идет о спортивном восхождении (без кислорода и помощи шерпов). Наша команда использовала несколько камер: SONY, a-7 III и a-6500, так же экшн камеру Go-Pro 7 HERO и два дрона, Phantom и Mavic 2 ZOOM. Последний показал себя очень хорошо.
Съемка на больших высотах, при низких температурах и измождении — особая работа, к которой нужно долго и планомерно готовиться.

Высотный оператор: Виталий Лазо — www.facebook.com/vitaly.lazo
Оператор: Михаил Москвин — www.facebook.com/skrufout
«Фрирайд в зоне смерти": deathzonefreeride.com/ru
Фильм «Зона смерти Нанга Парбат 8125»: www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5dqtbG3Nb4

Фильм снят при поддержке компаний:
— РГО (Русское Географическое Общество): www.rgo.ru/ru
— сеть спортивных магазинов КАНТ, — партнер проекта «Фрирайд в зоне смерти». КАНТ предоставляет специальные условия для зрителей и подписчиков канала на покупку снаряжения для туризма и альпинизма, горных лыж и сноубордов, велосипеда и бега. На товары, которые продаются уже со скидкой, спецпромокод дает дополнительные 5%.
Сайт — www.kant.ru/
!!! промокод — КК1ГТЛ (код можно использовать как при онлайн покупке так и в магазинах)!!!

Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound!

** SANYASI ** - Indian Monks Documentary, Interview Himalayan Masters, Indian Yogis, Aghori Sadhus

About life of Sadhus or Indian Monks and their message to the World. We will also be taking you on a trip around different places of India from, Rameshwar, Pudhukottai, Trichy, Thiruvannamali, Kanchipuram, Thirurthani, Chennai, Haridwar, Rishikesh, Karan Prayag, Joshimutt and Badrinath. We will see how Monks live, what they learnt in their lives and their wisdom in a nutshell. it will be a guide to people who want to explore spiritual life of India and the mystic life of the secretive Sadhu sects of India.


I was fortunatee and highly lucky to be granted an interview with this true Himalayan mystic who resides at the heights of 10500 ft in the untouched, pristine holy divine place of Bhavishya Badri Dham. Initially, when I approached Swamiji he was reluctant to even speak to us, leave aside the camera. But by his divine grace, he finally agreed to grant an audience. He spoke on various topics from life in the Himalayas, to the survival of Yogis in harsh geographical conditions. Medicinal herbs