ॐ Мейстер Экхарт — Духовные проповеди и рассуждения (аудиокнига, Nikosho) | ЭЗОТЕРИКА | ФИЛОСОФИЯ

Мейстер Экхарт. Аудиокнига «Духовные проповеди и рассуждения» — слушать онлайн.
Год выпуска: 2015 г.
Исполнитель: Nikosho
Жанр: эзотерика, философия, религия
Время звучания: 06:56:19

Мейстер Экхарт — знаменитый средневековый немецкий теолог и философ, один из крупнейших христианских мистиков, учивший о присутствии Бога во всём существующем. Автор проповедей и трактатов, которые сохранились в основном в записях учеников.

Главная тема его размышлений: Божество — безличный абсолют, стоящий за Богом-Творцом. Божество непостижимо и невыразимо, оно есть «полная чистота божественной сущности», где нет никакого движения. Через своё самопознание Божество становится Богом. Бог есть вечное бытие и вечная жизнь. По концепции Экхарта, человек способен познать Бога, поскольку в человеческой душе есть «божественная искорка», частица Божества.

Человек, приглушив свою волю, должен пассивно предаться Богу. Тогда душа, отрешённая от всего, вознесётся до Божества и в мистическом экстазе, порывая с земным, сольётся с божественным. Блаженство зависит от внутренней самодеятельности человека.

Ольга Кузьмина и Александр Энберт. 1417 выпуск от 28.12.2020.

Победители шоу «Ледниковый период» Ольга Кузьмина и Александр Энберт поделятся эмоциями от участия в проекте, а Алла Михеева представит новый острый репортаж.

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Блогер и музыкант Даня Милохин о жизни в детском доме и внезапной популярности. Вечерний Ургант.

Даня Милохин рассказывает, как договаривается о съемках со звездами, вспоминает, как рос в детском доме и спал в той же комнате, что Юрий Шатунов, и размышляет о причинах своей популярности.

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Instagram: instagram.com/vecherniy_urgant
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WEBSITE: urgantshow.ru

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Селфи с незнакомцем — bit.ly/SelfySelfy

Most Dangerous Ways To School | HIMALAYA (India) | Free Documentary

Twice a year the forbidding journey to the boarding school is necessary. Father Latak, looks to the sky and attempts to predict how the weather will develop. Only when he is sure that no storm is brewing, he starts to prepare the children for the trip over the river. It is a route that is so notorious, that it even has a name: Chadar- the path over the cloak of ice. One last time, his ten year old son Motup, plays in front of their hut. Motup is one of the few kids who regularly leave the village in order to attend one of the the better schools in town. Then the family gets ready for the long trip. The mother has sewn thick wool socks for the father and the children, and Tebean prayers and mantras are recited for protection along the way. Then the trip begins, where the children muss trust completely the experience and skill of their father.

The first steps, only a few kilometres until the frozen river, seem easy for the family. But father Latak recognizes immediately that the spring has come early this year and the sun has already began to compromise the ice. This is not a good sign, since the thinner the ice the more dangerous the trip becomes. Latak goes before the children and tests with a stick before each step on the ice. Often the ice cracks a bit, but the ice remains whole. Latak knows that no one should travel the Chadar without a good reason. But the education of the children is a good enough reason to take on the risks involved.
He knows that if he goes first and the ice carries his weight, that it will also carry the weight of the children. If it does not, it will be he that will fall in the icy water and not his two children. At the same time, Latak, Motup and the other members of the crew must keep a close eye on the mountains. The massive mountain ranges on both sides of them seem to be a scene form a picture book, peaceful and lordly. But there is danger lurking. At any given time, an avalanche can break out. Many times before people have been caught by avalanches here.

In the mean time the sun has already thawed the middle of the river. But since there are steep rocks right and left, Latak must now search for a new path for them to continue on. He leaves Motup behind him and luckily finds a way. It is a 20 cm wide path on the rocks at the edge of the river, and up to ten meters high.

They need almost an hour, skipping from rock to rock until they finally reach an area where the river is again covered with ice. Now they must find a place to set up camp as soon as possible before it becomes dark and the temperatures sink to as low as -30 degrees Celsius. Latak knows a cave where they will be protected and finally be able to get some rest. They must gather their strength because the most dangerous part of the Chadar still lies before them.

The ice is almost completely melted. Only a 50 cm wide strip borders right and left the ice-cold water, making the river absolutely impassible. Rocky overhangs above the ice block the way. Father and son must now crawl its way to school. Father Latak tests his way over the ice on his belly. After any progress made, he pulls his son by their hands to him.

There are countless dangerous situations that make this way to school so unpredictable. But after four days it is over, they have reached their goal; the city of Leh and the school.

The Ghosts Above | Renan Ozturk | Sony Alpha Films

In “The Ghosts Above,” Sony Artisan photographer and filmmaker Renan Ozturk join an expedition to solve the Mount Everest mystery of who reached the summit first. Learn more: alphauniverse.com/stories/the-quest-to-solve-a-mount-everest-mystery-in-the-ghosts-above/

Check out Renans film Moonwalk shot on the new a7S III: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xKSOrHm8Zs

Subscribe to the Sony Alpha Universe channel to learn more about our cameras and lenses: www.youtube.com/channel/UCgHj6wKL5qrtaqB3VKo3dYQ?sub_confirmation=1

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#SonyAlpha films presents #TheGhostsAbove #OfficialFilm

Tat Wale Baba Himalayan Yogi - the only discourse with English Sub titles

Tatawale Baba- his only discourse audio available. I have tried my best to do English translation but not perfect. The discourse is deeply spiritual so may not get understood by all. Discourse is in Hindi so I haven’t made sub titles in Hindi. Though I have tried to write down what he spoke. Again sometimes it is not very clear what he spoke due to poor audio and his punjabi scent and my Hindi not so pure. Nevertheless I have made an effort.

Документальный фильм Антарктида. Хождение за три полюса. Часть 2

Документальный фильм из 3-х частей «Антарктида. Хождение за три полюса»

Антарктида – самый таинственный и малоизученный континент планеты. Величайшая
пустыня мира и самое холодное место на Земле. Уникальные природные условия, которые не встретить больше нигде. 200 лет с момента открытия Антарктида будоражит
воображение ученых, мореплавателей, романтиков и искателей приключений. Сюда едут
не только за новыми знаниями или рекордами. Испытать себя и технику, почувствовать
ледяное дыхание Антарктиды, понять, кто ты и чего на самом деле стоишь. Наша команда отправилась к Южному континенту, чтобы осуществить то, чего до нас еще никто не совершал: первый в истории трансантарктический переход через три полюса. В
автономном режиме. Без надежды на помощь извне, рассчитывая только на свои силы.

Фильм 2.
Первый в истории трансантарктический автономный автомобильный переход
продолжается. Позади уже более 1000 км. Валдис Пельш, команда РД Студии и команда механиков приближаются к полюсу недоступности, на котором установлена одноименная станция. На карте это самая удаленная точка от всех берегов, а значит и самая труднодоступная во всей Антарктиде.

Фильм создан при поддержке:
ПАО «Лукойл», КАГОЦЕЛ, Сбербанк Страхование Жизни, Русское Географическое общество, JOG DOG, REDFOX, ООО «Галактика Инк», CANON

Смотреть первую часть:

Shiva Medley | Kirtan Live

The Kirtan Live series showcases Bhakti Marga musicians performing devotional kirtans and bhajans at live events hosted by Bhakti Marga, the international organisation and movement founded by Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda.

Jai Gurudev!

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho,
Shiva Shambho, Mahādeva

Dimita Dimita Dim, Dimita Dimita Dim,
Nāche Bholānāth

Mridanga Bhole Shiva Shiva Om,
Damaru Bhole Hara Hara Om

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo,
Shiva Shambho, Mahādeva

Shankara Karunākara,
Parameshvara Jagadīshvara

Shankarī Karunākarī,
Parameshvarī Jagadīshvarī

Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambho,
Shiva Shambho, Mahādeva

Hara Shiva Shankara, Shashānka Shekara
Hara Bam Hara Bam, Bam Bam Bolo

Bhavā Bhayankara Girijā Shankara,
Dimi Dimi Dimitaka Nartana Khelo

Sing the Name of Lord Shiva, the benevolent one
Lord Shiva is dancing to the beat: the mridanga is resounding «Shiva Shiva Om» and the damaru is resounding «Hara Hara Om». Shankara, You are the all-compassionate Lord and in your fierce form, You are the husband of Mother Parvati.

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Bhakti Marga is an international spiritual movement founded by Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda. Bhakti Marga means the path of devotion and all activities are offered as a means to help you rise in love with the Divine.

Want to find out more?

This kirtan was recorded at Shree Peetha Nilaya, Bhakti Marga’s main ashram and international headquarters, located in the heart of Europe near Frankfurt, Germany.

We invite you to tune in and watch our daily livestream of temple prayers at the Sri Bhutabhrteshwarnath Mandir.