I was fortunatee and highly lucky to be granted an interview with this true Himalayan mystic who resides at the heights of 10500 ft in the untouched, pristine holy divine place of Bhavishya Badri Dham. Initially, when I approached Swamiji he was reluctant to even speak to us, leave aside the camera. But by his divine grace, he finally agreed to grant an audience. He spoke on various topics from life in the Himalayas, to the survival of Yogis in harsh geographical conditions. Medicinal herbs
This second video of our recent Kirtan Fest in Rishikesh, India shows the outstanding success of the two week program in introducing Krsna consciousness to a western audiance in that sacred abode. The combination of extended kirtans, workshops and first class prasadam melted the hearts of everyone who came.
«Дорогие преданные, сегодняшняя рождественская лекция называется „Хор кукушек в лесу Кокилаван“. Мы посетим одно из любимейших у Радхи и Кришны мест для игр – лес, в котором Они наслаждаются нескончаемо сладостным хором многочисленных кукушек, поющих Им славу! В 15:30 по индийскому времени на моем Ютуб-канале.»
ytimg.preload(https://r3---sn-pivhx-n8vz.googlevideo.com/generate_204);ytimg.preload(https://r3---sn-pivhx-n8vz.googlevideo.com/generate_204?conn2);2012 04 01 Lord Ram The Perfect King by HH Indradyumna Swami at ISKCON London UK — YouTube<link rel=«alternate» type=«application/json oembed» href=«www.youtube.com/oembed?format=json
Dear devotees: In todays ( Wednesday ) lecture entitled, «The Residents Of Hell Ascend to Heaven» well hear how the Naga-kanyas, the daughters of the Naga Serpents, yearn to become lovers of Ananata Seva and are blessed to become Lord Balaramas gopis in Vrindavan. All from the Garga Samhita and Srimad Bhagavatam! At 3:30 India time on my YouTube channel. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!