NOTE FROM TED: Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. The speaker makes assertions about a specific diet that lack sufficient scientific evidence for general prescription. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give TEDx organizers are described in more detail here:
Dr. Barnard has led numerous research studies investigating the effects of diet on diabetes, body weight, and chronic pain, including a groundbreaking study of dietary interventions in type 2 diabetes, funded by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Barnard has authored over 70 scientific publications as well as 17 books. As president of the Physicians Committee, Dr. Barnard leads programs advocating for preventive medicine, good nutrition, and higher ethical standards in research. He has hosted three PBS television programs on nutrition and health and is frequently called on by news programs to discuss issues related to nutrition and research. Originally from Fargo, North Dakota, Dr. Barnard received his M.D. degree at the George Washington University School of Medicine and completed his residency at the same institution. He practiced at St. Vincent’s Hospital in New York before returning to Washington to found the Physicians Committee.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
When most people say they want to be a millionaire, they’re really saying that they want to spend one million dollars. Besides winning the lotto or inheriting money, you’ll learn three key elements used by the most successful people who have ever lived. You’ll not only be able to learn how to become a millionaire, but you’ll learn the real reason of why it helps our society to alleviate poverty. This valuable session offers the solutions that you’ll need to be successful for the rest of your life, whether you want to be a millionaire or not.
Daniel Ally became a self-made millionaire at the age of 24.
It all started when he realized that he was living far below his potential. After years of drug abuse and failing at life, Daniel was fed up. One day, he went to his local library and searched endlessly for truth. After discovering a few books, he decided to turn his life around. For many years, Daniel gave thousands of speeches, reached millions of people, and built successful companies, making Daniel a millionaire in the process. Search on the internet and you’ll find that TIME, Fortune, Business Insider, Yahoo, and other major publications have enjoyed Daniel’s work. He is also a top contributor on Entrepreneur Magazine. He is the author of two best-selling books, which can be found in 46 different countries in thousands of libraries. From billionaires in Boston to amateurs in Austin, Daniel has traveled to hundreds of cities, shaking hands and connecting with all kinds of people across the globe.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Как один из идеологов «медленной коммуникации» Антон Гуменский проводит эксперименты над людьми.
С 2013 года около сотни человек приняли участие в его эксперименте «7 дней молчания: как прожить неделю в мегаполисе без электронных средств коммуникации и устного общения».
Антон — исследователь медиа, преподаватель теории коммуникации факультета международной журналистики МГИМО.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Олег Глушков — режиссер-постановщик, хореограф. Работал над спектаклями в МХТ им. А.П. Чехова, Театре им. Евгения Вахтангова, Театре-студии п/р Олега Табакова, «Мастерской Петра Фоменко» и «Школе драматического искусства», в театре «Красный факел» в Новосибирске, участвовал в работе над постановками в театрах Литвы, Норвегии, Польши и Эстонии. Как режиссер поставил спектакли «Холостой Мольер» в «Школе современной пьесы»; «Кафе «Бутон» и «Гвидон» в театре «Школа драматического искусства»; «Пер Гюнт» Ибсена в театре «Ленком»; «Моряки и шлюхи» в театре «Мастерская Петра Фоменко». Хореограф-постановщик мюзиклов «Обыкновенное чудо», «Времена не выбирают» и фильма «Стиляги». This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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Ran Gavrili writes and lectures about emotional and physical safe sex; porn and porn-influenced cultural damages; gender and power relations; and sex and intimacy.
You can learn more about Rans work and lectures at his website:
Ran lives in Tel Aviv and studies gender at Tel Aviv University. He works with youth and adults all over the country in sex and gender studies and in building positive self image in a world inundated by sexual imagery with negative connotations.
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like
experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations).
For more information on this particular TEDx event, see
Humor is something that transcends most barriers. It is a common unification; a concept understood by all. Despite this, there exists a large portion of the population that does not think they can utilize humor. Andrew Tarvin will show you that everyone can use humor.
Andrew Tarvin is the world’s first Humor Engineer teaching people how to get better results while having more fun. He has worked with thousands of people at 200 organizations, including P
Cole Bennett came up with the idea for Lyrical Lemonade while still in High School. Through his talk, he walks through what it took to grow Lyrical Lemonade into what it is today along with how he navigated the music world. His talk emphasizes why having a passion for what you do can change the game and bring you success no matter the obstacle. As CEO of Lyrical Lemonade, Cole Bennett has produced some of hip hop’s most viewed videos. Entrepreneur Cole Bennett is not afraid to confront risks to move ideas and creative expression forward. Growing up in Plano IL, Cole enjoyed bringing ideas to life. Whether, creating comics or making skits with friends, he always loved to create. At 17 years old and a senior in high school, Cole produced his first music video. Discovering this deep passion, he founded Lyrical Lemonade while still in high school. After graduation, Cole moved to Chicago to attend DePaul University and further chase his dreams for Lyrical Lemonade. Cole’s dreams quickly became an undeniable reality that led him to dropout of college. His imprint, Lyrical Lemonade, is now a multi-faceted company that specializes in visual content, live events, high demand merchandise and more. At the age of 22, Cole has now directed over 300 music videos for some of the most influential artists that have amassed over 2.8 billion views. Cole has been featured in major publications such as Rolling Stone, Forbes, XXL, and Billboard Magazine. As the Summer approaches, Bennett is exploring another adventure — preparing to enter the beverage business with his very own lemonade. The lemonade launch is just in time for the second annual Lyrical Lemonade Summer Smash, a hip hop music festival expected to bring together 20,000 people in Douglas Park, Chicago. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Исхак Фархутдинов — заведующий кафедрой геологии БашГУ, исследует как геология влияет на здоровье населения.
Исхак говорит о том, что геология и геохимия местности проживания людей влияет на химический состав их организмов. Поэтому есть связь между горными породами территории, здоровьем населения и даже мышлением людей.
Зоб, онкология и даже сахарный диабет связаны с местностью проживания. На видео Исхак расскажет, как защитить себя от вредного влияния окружающей среды. ученый-геолог, доцент в БашГУ This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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Красота простой деревенской девушки Катерины Пановой (Карина Андоленко) покорила мир. Она стала лицом советской моды 60-х годов и первой манекенщицей, признанной на Западе. Русской красавице рукоплескали Париж и Прага, пресса называла ее «национальным достоянием СССР», а дома ее ждала советская действительность, зависть, интриги, ревность и трагическая любовь.
1961 год. В небольшой подмосковной деревне живет семья Пановых. Отец Михаил ревнует жену к давнему прошлому. Поводом является его дочь-красавица Катя, которая совершенного не похожа на него, в отличие от ее сестры Любы.
Катя отвергает всех местных кавалеров. Она верит, что ей уготована иная судьба. Ее заветная мечта – стать манекенщицей и отправиться в Париж.
После очередного скандала с родителями Катерина решает осуществить свою мечту. Она отправляется в Москву и просит помощи у молодого успешного модельера Вени Кротова (Павел Харланчук). Он решает дать шанс деревенской девушке и устраивает ее демонстратором одежды.
За короткое время Катя становится ведущей манекенщицей Дома мод. Когда ее фотография появляется в газете, Катю находит журналист-международник Феликс Крутский (Павел Прилучный). Он искал ее с тех пор, как увидел на танцах в деревенском клубе.
И, несмотря на то, что родители прочат ему в жены другую девушку – известную молодую киноактрису Марианну Нечаеву (Анастасия Задорожная), – Феликс назначает Катерине свидание.