
Top hacker shows us how its done | Pablos Holman | TEDxMidwest

Вы думаете, что ваша беспроводная и любая другая технология надёжны? От Bluetooth до автомобильных ключей, ПК и «защищённых» кредиток — хакер в необычной манере показывает, что почти каждая система безопасности уязвима.

Это выступление записано на мероприятии TEDx, независимо организованном местным сообществом с использованием формата конференций TED. Узнайте больше на ted.com/tedx

How to Get Your Brain to Focus | Chris Bailey | TEDxManchester

The latest research is clear: the state of our attention determines the state of our lives. So how do we harness our attention to focus deeper, get distracted less, and even become more creative? Chris Bailey, author of the recent book Hyperfocus, talks about how our ability to focus is the key to productivity, creativity, and living a meaningful life.

Follow Chris on @chris_bailey Chris Bailey was recently described by TED as possibly “the most productive man you’d ever hope to meet”. He is the international bestselling author of Hyperfocus and The Productivity Project, which have been published in sixteen languages. Chris works with organisations around the globe on how they can become more productive without hating the process.

To date, Chris has written hundreds of articles on the subject of productivity, and has garnered coverage in media as diverse as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, New York magazine, The Huffington Post, Harvard Business Review, TED, Fortune, Fast Company, and Lifehacker. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Mindset is Everything | Cole Bennett | TEDxUIUC

Cole Bennett came up with the idea for Lyrical Lemonade while still in High School. Through his talk, he walks through what it took to grow Lyrical Lemonade into what it is today along with how he navigated the music world. His talk emphasizes why having a passion for what you do can change the game and bring you success no matter the obstacle. As CEO of Lyrical Lemonade, Cole Bennett has produced some of hip hop’s most viewed videos. Entrepreneur Cole Bennett is not afraid to confront risks to move ideas and creative expression forward. Growing up in Plano IL, Cole enjoyed bringing ideas to life. Whether, creating comics or making skits with friends, he always loved to create. At 17 years old and a senior in high school, Cole produced his first music video. Discovering this deep passion, he founded Lyrical Lemonade while still in high school. After graduation, Cole moved to Chicago to attend DePaul University and further chase his dreams for Lyrical Lemonade. Cole’s dreams quickly became an undeniable reality that led him to dropout of college. His imprint, Lyrical Lemonade, is now a multi-faceted company that specializes in visual content, live events, high demand merchandise and more. At the age of 22, Cole has now directed over 300 music videos for some of the most influential artists that have amassed over 2.8 billion views. Cole has been featured in major publications such as Rolling Stone, Forbes, XXL, and Billboard Magazine. As the Summer approaches, Bennett is exploring another adventure — preparing to enter the beverage business with his very own lemonade. The lemonade launch is just in time for the second annual Lyrical Lemonade Summer Smash, a hip hop music festival expected to bring together 20,000 people in Douglas Park, Chicago. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Свобода Воли: иллюзия или реальность? | Данил Разеев | TEDxSadovoeRing

Свободны ли мы в своих поступках и действиях? Существует ли конечная инстанция, которая отвечает за принятие осознанных решений, и если да, то где она находится? В нашей личности или в нашем мозге?

Доктор философских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой философии науки и техники Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, эксперт Российского научного фонда, главный редактор журнала «Мысль».

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Медицинская геология- новый взгляд на здоровье человека | Исхак Фархутдинов | TEDxForestersPark

Исхак Фархутдинов — заведующий кафедрой геологии БашГУ, исследует как геология влияет на здоровье населения.

Исхак говорит о том, что геология и геохимия местности проживания людей влияет на химический состав их организмов. Поэтому есть связь между горными породами территории, здоровьем населения и даже мышлением людей.

Зоб, онкология и даже сахарный диабет связаны с местностью проживания. На видео Исхак расскажет, как защитить себя от вредного влияния окружающей среды. ученый-геолог, доцент в БашГУ This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Глокальное* мышление – новая «операционная система» | Ruben Vardanyan | TEDxSadovoeRing

Какие правила действуют в мире, где главным активом стал человек? Как нам вести себя в ситуации, когда у каждого тысяча друзей в фейсбуке, но не более 5 человек, которым мы по-настоящему доверяем?

Cоциальный инвестор и предприниматель, сооснователь бизнес-школы СКОЛКОВО, международного колледжа UWC Dilijan в Армении, Гуманитарной инициативы «Аврора».

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

Опасный вирус. 2 часть. Ответы на частые вопросы о COVID-19. Фильм Наили Аскер-заде

Опасный вирус-2. Фильм Наили Аскер-заде
►1 фильм: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-KQjMXEjhM
►Подпишись на канал Россия 1: www.youtube.com/c/tvrussia1?sub_confirmation=1
►Всё о коронавирусной инфекции: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTVc4McwPlo