Dear devotees: Tomorrows class [ Tuesday, November 3 ] is entiltled: «Since You Act Like An Elephant, Become One!» We tell the entire story of the elephant, Kuvalyapida, who attacked Krsna and Balarma as they tried to enter the sacrificial arena in Mathura. In a previous life he was Mandagati, the son of Bali Maharaja. How in the world did he become the enemy of the Lord? What happened to him after Krsna killed him? Tune in at 3:30 pm India time on Tuesday on my Youtube channel and find out!
A journey through Tajikistan with touroperator Monkey King (Koning Aap) in May 2014.
Tajikistan, officially the Republic of Tajikistan is a mountainous, landlocked country in Central Asia with an estimated population of 8.7 million people as of 2016, and an area of 143,100 km2 (55,300 sq mi). It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, and China to the east. Traditional homelands of Tajik people included present-day Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.
Welcome to the second cab ride along the world famous, heritage listed Bernina railway, this time in 4K 60 frames per second quality — and during winter. If you missed the first run along this track, it is worth checking out (recorded Autumn 2019).
A special thank you to Paolo for recording this trip. His channel:
The Bernina railway sets a few records, including being the highest railway alpine crossing in Europe (2253m), the highest adhesion railway of the continent, the open air railway with the greatest height difference (1824m) and furthermore one of the steepest adhesion railways (conventional railway without cogs) worldwide, with gradients of up to 7%.
The gradients are included in the upper right corner in the same format as they appear to the driver. The arrow indicates whether the gradient is up or down, the larger number is the promille value (1/10 of 1%) and the smaller number indicates the distance of the gradient in meters. You will also see station names with their altitude, tunnel and bridge names with their length and year of construction — as well as other interesting information along the way to improve your viewing experience.
A unique aspect of Switzerlands narrow gauge mountain railways is the mixing of passenger and freight wagons in a single train, with wagons often added or removed at intermediate stops with shunting locomotives. On the Bernina line, the cargo mostly consists of wood on stake cars and derivatives of oil in tank cars. Today we take a wagon with us from Pontresina to Poschiavo with good for a Coop supermarket.
Thanks for watching and have a great day!
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Новый научно-популярный фильм представляет основные заповедники, заказники и национальные парки Байкальского региона. Особый акцент сделан на экологические тропы, дающие возможность прикоснуться к природе в ее первозданном виде.
Производство киностудии «Атлас медиа».
Авторы фильма: Михаил и Елена Чумак.
Продюсер: Сергей Куделя.
Фильм создан при поддержке:
Байкальского проекта UNDP
Глобального экологического фонда ООН — GEF
Фонда содействия сохранению озера Байкал
проекта научно-популярного и документального кино «Атлас культуры».
Музыка: Alizbar
Trekking in the Langtang area of Nepal, spring 2013. The forests are full of red, pink and white rhododendron flowers. The mountain peaks are covered in fresh snow. The prayer flags flutter in the wind. The trek took us to the peaks at the top of the Langtang valley, including Tsergo Ri, with views of the lowest 8000m peak Sishapangma. Later we reached the sacred lakes at Gosainkund. Back in Kathmandu at the end are the many temples in Durbah Square, and the 43m high Bhudist stupa at Boudhanath.
#Touristic Info link attached.
This Panoramic video through Open Carriage of Bernina Express Train shows Highlights of the route from Davos Platz (Swiss) to Tirano (Italy). Watch and Enjoy Pristine Swiss Landscapes.
Bernina Express: Crossing 196 bridges, the highest railway in the Swiss Alps climbs up to the 2253m to the glistening Glaciers (Alp Grüm Palü, Morteratsch Glacier and Ospizio Bernina region) before descending to the palms of Italy far below.
.......from Mountains to Glaciers to Lakes and Palms!
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Hindus believe mount Kailash to be the abode of Lord Shive and Parbati. For a hindu, to make the arduous pilgrimage to Kailash and have the Darshan (divine view) of Shivas abode is to attain release from the clutches of ignorance