
Мантра снимает Порчу, СГЛАЗ, Негативы. Сильное Древнейшее заклинание

Главное ее назначение – очистка Сознания от ловушек материального мира и всего того негатива, что мешает нашей душе двигаться вверх по ступени эволюции. Она указывает на высшую цель в жизни каждого индивида – непрерывное духовное развитие. Эта могущественная мантрическая песня — очень по мощная по силе воздействия на человеческий организм.
Гаятри мантра может избавить от таких крайне неприятных явлений, как порча и сглаз, потому что обладает огромной очищающей силой.
Эта древнейшая и сильная ведическая мантра будет хорошо работать на уничтожение плохой кармы, от того, что было сделано вами неправильно, о чем вы возможно жалеете, и позволит вам избежать последствий от ваших неправильных действий. Ведические мантры обладают более сильным действием, так как представляют собой строго определенный ряд звуков (слогов), правильное произнесение которых оказывает невероятно сильный эффект, позволяя быстро достичь цели, ради которой они читаются. Когда вы что то делаете качественно и от души, то результат будет обязательно, и будет хороший результат, пользу от данной мантры могут испытать все, нужно лишь не лениться.

Брахманы Индии практикуют ее каждое утро на самом рассвете. Они свято верят, что ежедневное повторение священных слогов приносит человеку невиданную мудрость дает просветление посредством проявленного Солнца (божество Савитра).

Регулярная практика Гаятри дарует человеку множество благ: глубоко очищает от негативных программ и ненужных иллюзий человеческий Ум, Сознание и Подсознание, укрепляет интеллект, дарует мудрость и наделяет паранормальными способностями.

Также в «список возможностей» этой волшебной звуковой формулы входит исполнение желаний, исцеление от болезней и недугов, избавление от неудач и внутренних страхов и защита от негативных воздействий, таких как порча, сглаз или проклятие).

Ее очищающая сила так велика, что способна «обнулить» даже плохую карму и избавить от негативных последствий греховных действий.

Практиковать эту чудо-практику рекомендовано кратное числу 3 раз — три, шесть, девять и т.д. В идеале — полный цикл 108 раз подряд при помощи специальных четок.

Духовные гуру уверяют, что прочитка мантрического текста 21 раз над питьевой водой делают ее целительной от многих болячек и хворей.

Дословный перевод текста Гаятри:

ОМ! О, Земля, Небо, Сварга!
(О) том Савитаре наилучшем,
Сияющем Божестве, размыслим
Мысли наши (Он) (да) вдохновит!

Helicopter Tour of Mt. Everest - Stunning Views of Himalayas in Nepal | Trek Tips

wwtrek.com ➤ World Wide Trekking offers our guests the opportunity to take an absolutely breathtaking scenic helicopter tour up the Khumbu Valley and around Mt. Everest. Seeing the topography of the land, and the stunning high Himalayan peaks from a high-altitude vantage point is a truly unforgettable experience. In order of appearance:
2:00 — Helicopter takes flight
2:30 — Dudh Koshi the worlds highest river
3:00 — Lobuche, Pumori, Khumbu Glacier
3:20 — Cho Oyu
3:45 — Ridgeline into China
4:10 — Lobuche Glacier
4:45 — Kala Patthar
5:15 — Khumbu Icefall
5:20-6:00 — Mt. Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse

*We offer many scenic helicopter flight options (departing from Pheriche on your way up the Khumbu Valley, departing from Pangboche on your way out of the Khumbu Valley to finish your trek, and more!)

*Special thanks to World Wide Trekking guest Dave Kurtz for his scenic helicopter flight footage!

Nepal ➤ wwtrek.com/nepal/


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Operation Everest - Summiteers to Saviours

50 years after the first Indian climbed Mount Everest, 30 soldiers of the Indian Army decide to climb the highest peak in the world. However, their plans go awry after a series of devastating Earthquakes hit Nepal on the 25th April, 2015. 22 climbers are trapped in the avalanche in the deadly Khumbu Glacier and the remaining members, caught at the Everest Base Camp. Survival is key. Will they manage to make it alive? Film by Aamir Peerzada

Complete Guide Shri Kedarnath Dham Yatra | Sonprayag to Kedarnath JI 17 km | EP 13

This video has every detail about the Kedarnath ji ki Yatra. This is the 5th Jyotirlinga of Lord Shiva. This video is a summary of 2 day travel. We started the yatra from Sonprayag and went to Shri Kedarnath Dham and came back to Sonprayag. We did night stay near Triyuginarayan temple.

During my travel there in May 2019 — I noticed Vodafone and BSNL have network coverage at Kedarnath Dham.

Imp information:
There is a cloak room at Sonprayag, i showed that in previous episode Bhiri to Triyuginarayan.

Later on i realised walking on Galcier or snow was risky, i should have avoided, i will strongly suggest you to avoid walking at areas where there is a slope, just a slight miss and one will fall and this may be life threatening.

Following is the summary of distance to be traveled in this yatra.

Sonprayag to Gauri kund: 5 km, Rupees 20 per person on jeep.

Gauri Kund to Kedarnath ji: 16.5 km.

Base camp is 1 km short of Shri Kedarnath temple. Garhwal mandal vikas nigam has their Guest house and tent facility at Base camp.

While its not impossible to go and come back in a day to Sonprayag but difficulty level is high especially if you don’t have high energy level.

Services for travel to Kedarnath ji:

You can take helicopter services that cost around 6000, this can vary between 5000 to 8000 depending upon the distance from Sonprayag. Flight time from a place near Sonprayag to Kedarnath ji is 6 to 8 minutes.

Helipad is at a half a km from Shri Kedarnath Temple.

If you want to hire a porter or a person with a basket or if an old person wish someone to carry him on Doli, these facilities are readily available.

Pony: Yes you can travel on Pony too — charges Rs 2500 one side, if you decide to walk down and mid way feel that you need to take pony for this travel, then you can still get Pony for rest of the journey.

In my suggestion: It’s better to walk down, only thing you should be physically fit to do this trek of 17 km, as some places the trek is steep.

Best time to travel to Kedarnath ji — 15th August to 30th September.
Avoid travel in the month of May because its crowded.

Note: Try to book at Garhwal mandal guest house, there accomodation is neat and clean in comparison to other facilities available there. You can do the booking by visiting their website. gmvnl.in/newgmvn/index.aspx

We went there without any pre booking, it was May month we had to pay rs 4000 for double occupancy room, though that could accomodate 4 people as well. In fact demand for room in May month is much more than supply.

Things to carry: You can carry food, water bottle or just anything else you want to carry because food, water and everything else is expensive on the yatra route. For example a glass of Lemon water would cost Rs 20. A water bottle on the yatra route would cost Rs 50.

If you want to eat Maggi it would cost Rs 80 or so.

Biometric registration: Initially i was wondering what is the need for Biometric registration when no body is actually checking it at the entry gate and exit gate.

My take on this: It helps Government know the names and addresses of people who were doing Yatra during a particular time of the month...At the time of registration they ask you about number of days for which you want to travel. There is no hard and fast rule that you should follow that only…

One reason of course is to keep information about people who are travelling and other resaon is that if there is a mishappening on the yatra route and government wants to give some compensation, they can use this database for reference purpose.

Though exact number of people travelling on yatra route cannot be ascertained but this can work as an indicator.

Hope you are enjoying watching our Uttarakhand Char Dham yatra series, if you have missed watching any episode, i will suggest you to look at the playlist.

Should you have any query about this yatra route, please feel free to write your query in comments below.
Night stay options for going to Shri Kedarnath Dham:

Sonprayag: Very crowded place, i will not recommend you to stay at this place.

Gaurikund: 5 km from Sonprayag, very crowded place, you should avoid staying here over night.

night stay option 5 or 10 km before Sonprayag: Yes there are many guest houses which are 5 or 10 km short of Sonprayag.

Triyuginarayan: Good option 13 km from Sonprayag, but you should do booking at GMVL at Triyuginarayan, there not not many guest houses at this place, i mean the neat and clean ones.

Thanks for your time.

Гавайи | Самые изолированные острова | Discovery Channel

На Гавайях обитают удивительные зеленые черепахи, которые могут вырастать до 3−4 м в длину и весить 400 кг. Чтобы сохранить этот вид, занесенный в Красную книгу, введено несколько запретов. Так, туристам запрещено приближаться к животным, отдыхающим на пляже, ближе чем на 100 м. Кроме того, нельзя выбрасывать в воду пластиковые пакеты, так как черепахи могут перепутать их со своей пищей – медузами.
Еще больше открытий – в полном выпуске программы «Невиданные Гавайи»!

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Yatra ॥ कैलाश मानसरोवर || Amaging Holy Place On Highest Peak || Full Documentary # Ambey Bhakti

Yatra Kailash Mansarovar || Amaging Holy Place On Highest Peak || Full Documentary # Ambey Bhakti

Introduction: Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Amazing Holy Place On Highest Peak. Hindus believe Mount Kailash to be the abode of Lord Shiva, the holy center of the earth and the manifestation of heaven itself. It holds religious importance also for the Jain and the Buddhists.

Album — Yatra Kailash Mansarovar
Voice — Rajesh Prince
Script — Subhash Bose
Editor — Rajeev Kumar
Director — Subhash Bose
Produced By -Ambey Films
Audio Video Rights — Shubham Audio video

Watch" Yatra Kailash Mansarovar " From Ambey Bhakti
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