Nowhere in the Alpine mountains are water, forest and rocks as precipitous, rock faces as vertical as in the Gesäuse National Park, Europe’s largest canyon. “Gesäuse” is a name derived from the rushing noise of the water, the soughing wind that echoes up to the peaks of the north faces of this unique region – home to the myth of the mountain. When the sun rises and ushers in a magnificent day, the Gesäuse projects a perfect image of a mountain. However, in bad weather, the Gesäuse’s walls reflect a scary phenomenon as the speed of the inflowing airmass multiplies. Adverse weather conditions can thus convert the Gesäuse into inferno. Michael Schlamberger, Austria’s most renowned nature filmmaker internationally, listened to the rushing whitewater of the river Enns and conquered the sheer rock walls, chasing eagles and chamois in passing.
ОПАСНОЕ И НЕВЕРОЯТНОЕ ПРИКЛЮЧЕНИЕ! Затерянные во льдах. Лучшие фильмы
В арктической пустыне – ледяной, снежной, оторванной от мира – где температура воздуха может опускаться до 70⁰С, Хаксли Овергард, пилот, потерпевшего крушение вертолета, отчаянно борется за жизнь. Он научился справляться с холодом, охотиться, чтобы прокормить себя. В этих условиях ему предстоит заботиться о случайной попутчице, с которой его свела судьба. Двое на краю земли – их ждет опасное путешествие и серьезная битва за выживание.
Yatra Kailash Mansarovar || Amaging Holy Place On Highest Peak || Full Documentary # Ambey Bhakti
Introduction: Kailash Manasarovar Yatra Amazing Holy Place On Highest Peak. Hindus believe Mount Kailash to be the abode of Lord Shiva, the holy center of the earth and the manifestation of heaven itself. It holds religious importance also for the Jain and the Buddhists.
Album — Yatra Kailash Mansarovar
Voice — Rajesh Prince
Script — Subhash Bose
Editor — Rajeev Kumar
Director — Subhash Bose
Produced By -Ambey Films
Audio Video Rights — Shubham Audio video
Watch" Yatra Kailash Mansarovar " From Ambey Bhakti
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Varsana is the sacred home of Srimati Radharani where she lived with her parents during the early years of Her life. Along with Her gopi maidservants She would traverse the wooded forests of Varsana as they went to the market to sell their milk products — sometimes meeting Her beloved Krsna along the way. One of Her favorite forests still exists to this very day with ancient “desire trees” still dotting the landscape. Our parikrama party had the good fortune to visit Varsana along with the mystic forest, where we hugged the tress as per tradition and begged one day become. eternal servants of the divine couple.
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In 1996, according to a Polish poll, the three most popular people in the country were Pope John Paul II, Mr. Jurek Owsiak, and then-Polish-president Mr. Kwasniewski.
Who is this Jurek Owsiak? At the time, Owsiak was the director and founder of Poland’s biggest charity, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Help. Every year during the Christmas period, the charity would put on television benefit programs, during which the public phone in pledges to buy medical equipment for children’s hospitals. In 1995, the Orchestra raised one million dollars, no small amount for an Eastern European country.
In the mid-1990s, Owsiak had also arranged a folk-rock festival in the summer, called Woodstock. The festival, which is based on the concepts of the original Woodstock in America, is attended by tens of thousands of young people. His original reasoning behind organizing the festival was “so that all of the people who took part in the winter fundraising can come together for a summer meeting of love, peace, and music.”
It is said that Lord Caitanya’s secret weapon is prasadam, or vegetarian food offered to the Supreme Lord. It’s no longer a secret in Poland, however, as we distributed 160,000 plates of prasadam in Krsna’s Village of Peace at the recent Woodstock festival, now known as the Pol’and’Rock festival. We cooked, offered and distributed 160,000 full plates of prasadam in 5 days to the people attending the event. We prepared over 50 tons of foodstuffs! Two hundred devotees worked in shifts around the clock in 7 different large kitchens. Prasadam is tasty, nourishing and purifying. Our hearts were completely satisfied introducing the wonderful world of Krsna consciousness to the people in this way.