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Matyáš Pilin is going to speak about one of his biggest passions: languages. He has travelled through Estonia and Finland as well as hiked alone in the French mountains in order to immerse himself in the local culture and has attempted to learn many of the world’s most challenging languages such as Mandarin and Estonian. Hes not only an excellent student but also a talented orator, which has led him to participate in an international debate at Yale university last year. Today, he wants to offer some insight on how to learn languages quickly and effectively and help us understand how polyglots manage to find the time and energy to learn so many languages in one lifetime.
Matyáš Pilin is going to speak about one of his biggest passions: languages. He has travelled through Estonia and Finland as well as hiked alone in the French mountains in order to immerse himself in the local culture and has attempted to learn many of the world’s most challenging languages such as Mandarin and Estonian. Hes not only an excellent student but also a talented orator, which has led him to participate in an international debate at Yale university last year. Today, he wants to offer some insight on how to learn languages quickly and effectively and help us understand how polyglots manage to find the time and energy to learn so many languages in one lifetime. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

How to travel the world with almost no money | Tomislav Perko | TEDxTUHH

Many people daydream about traveling the world, but all of them have the same excuse — lack of money. Tomislav, after traveling the world for years with almost no money, shows how it is possible for everyone to do the same, if they really want to.

Tomislav Perko, 29, is a travel writer from Croatia. After a career of a stockbroker, broke because of the financial crisis, he hits the road and turns it into his home. He uses alternative ways of traveling – hitchhiking, couchsurfing, working/volunteering, and manages to wander around the world with just a little bit of money in his pocket, meeting the most amazing people on the way.

Five years later, he publishes a book “1000 Days of Spring” and goes around giving lectures about what it means to live on the road. Find out more on his website: tomislavperko.com/en/.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

Не заводите детей | Анна Титович | TEDxMahilyow

«Мы производим детей на свет и калечим их по своему образу и подобию» (А. и Б. Стругацкие)

Провокационное название выступления Анны Титович – не призыв к child-free образу жизни. Наоборот, Анна поделится своим взглядом на то, что такое «правильные» родители.

В последние годы Анна работала руководителем в информационных и коммерческих онлайн-проектах в сферах дизайна и строительства, предпринимателем, редактором журнала, аналитиком, маркетологом, преподавателем.

Когда в 2013 году Анна готовилась стать мамой, ее приоритеты и ценности сместились в сторону проблем общества и, в частности, молодых родителей и их детей. В 2015 году Анна стала социальным предпринимателем, понимая, что предпринимательский образ мысли может помочь не только создавать самодостаточные проекты, но и помочь в решении проблем общества.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

How stress affects your brain - Madhumita Murgia

Check out our Patreon page: www.patreon.com/teded

View full lesson: ed.ted.com/lessons/how-stress-affects-your-brain-madhumita-murgia

Stress isn’t always a bad thing; it can be handy for a burst of extra energy and focus, like when you’re playing a competitive sport or have to speak in public. But when it’s continuous, it actually begins to change your brain. Madhumita Murgia shows how chronic stress can affect brain size, its structure, and how it functions, right down to the level of your genes.

Lesson by Madhumita Murgia, animation by Andrew Zimbelman.

How to motivate yourself to change your behavior | Tali Sharot | TEDxCambridge

What does make us change our actions? Tali Sharot reveals three ingredients to doing whats good for yourself.

Dr. Tali Sharot is a neuroscientist at University College London and the director of the Affective Brain Lab. She is a faculty member of the department of Experimental Psychology, a Wellcome Trust Fellow, and currently a visiting Professor at Harvard Medical School. Her research focuses on how emotion, motivation, and social factors influence our expectations, decisions, and memories.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx

7 Ways to Make a Conversation With Anyone | Malavika Varadan | TEDxBITSPilaniDubai

“We mustn’t speak to strangers.” Malavika Varadan, challenges this societal norm, by presenting 7 ways to make conversation with anyone.

RJ extraordinaire, Malavika Varadan, creates waves quite literally with her morning show, Breakfast No.1 on City 101.6. An avid fitness enthusiast, positivity ninja and drama queen, she has chiseled a benchmark in the radio industry. At TEDxBITSPilaniDubai she will choose to redefine connections.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at ted.com/tedx

TEDxPerm - Tatiana Chernigovskaya - 9/11/09

Татьяна Черниговская«Почему изучение мозга займет центральное место в 21 веке?» // Tatiana Chernigovskaya «Why will the studies of brain take center stage in the 21st century?

About TEDx, x=independently organize event

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self- organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized

events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.*

(*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Гордон у Голованова. Судьба киллеров Щербаня, мем с Ходорковским, покаяние перед Суркисом, биткоины

Дмитрий Гордон в программе «Время Голованова» на канале «Украина 24». 29.12.2020
00:00 начало
02:02 «В этом году я взял 91 интервью»
05:20 о трагедии Щербаня, своем интервью с Русланом Щербанем и фильме «Наследник»
17:46 о Кобзоне
21:21 о братьях Щербанях
26:37 о биткоинах
27:25 о меме с Ходорковским
38:30 о самом интересном своем интервью в этом году
40:16 о своей благодарности Соловьеву, Скабеевой, Попову и обленившихся Скрыпине, Соколовой и Балашове
48:43 о вакцине от COVID-19
56:37 об интервью с Януковичем, жив ли план «Новороссия» и об отношении центральной власти Украины к Крыму
1:06:44 «Любовь к своей стране — это не вопрос языка, а вопрос любви к Родине»
1:12:25 за что обиделся на него Суркис
1:16:27 разговор с Олей Поляковой
1:27:04 жилось ли в Украине лучше при Януковиче
1:30:15 продолжение разговора с Поляковой
1:39:53 об отмене льготного тарифа на первые 100 кВт электроэнергии
1:48:50 о шапке с кокардой во Львове
1:56:55 как планирует провести новогодние праздники

Подписывайтесь на официальный канал Дмитрия Гордона, чтобы не пропустить новые выпуски!


Смотрите все выпуски программы «ГОРДОН»: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyTgKNi3CUgVRMG96wsXqwaQacRZupSKt

Смотрите все политические программы с участием Дмитрия Гордона: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyTgKNi3CUgWPgwdDgc94DQ4Ned4sUTR7

Смотрите программы Дмитрия Гордона, следите за новостями и читайте аналитику на общественно-политическом сайте «ГОРДОН»: gordonua.com/

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Друзья, мы рады комментариям и дискуссии, но нецензурная лексика будет удаляться, а злостные нарушители — баниться.

#Дмитрий_Гордон #Гордон

Водка против коньяка. Без обмана

Коньяк – напиток для богатых эстетов, водка – для бедных маргиналов. В мозгах потребителей засело, что коньяк – это статус, и вреда здоровью от него гораздо меньше. Так ли это? Что сегодня происходит на рынке крепких алкогольных напитков?
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