Hiking 90 Miles Alone in Picos de Europa Spain

I spent 7 days solo hiking 90 miles on the Picos de Europa trail in the Asturias
Download my trail map — alltrails.com/explore/map/map--73260
Gear used in this video:

Pack — geni.us/dKgrXB
Tent — geni.us/K73tiE
Bag — geni.us/SM0O
Mat — geni.us/NQkg2JV
Liner — geni.us/vXn4C
Pillow — geni.us/vBQkj0
Stove — geni.us/XocYSk
Bottle — geni.us/Bn0vJo
Filter — geni.us/8AG1b
Light — geni.us/u5GCgT

Hat — geni.us/GkGR5
Shades — geni.us/4g71Jc
Sweater — geni.us/HPPbkA
Shirt — geni.us/tZF8G
Pants — geni.us/prBBAy
Socks — geni.us/fnjZmS
Shoes — geni.us/o8GTr

Camera — geni.us/JfId2xO
Lens — geni.us/mw2y
Charger — geni.us/i7fQ5a
Tripod — geni.us/6uAer
Microphone — geni.us/EsDvsSZ
Strap — geni.us/8VcmqI
Drone — geni.us/QiOT5a
Battery — geni.us/BloLCE4

My Experiences with the Himalayan Yogis

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About Radhanath Swami:

Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Radhanath Swami is one of today’s most beloved and respected spiritual teachers. A Bhakti Yoga practitioner for 40 years, he is a guide, community builder, philanthropist, and acclaimed author.

Raja Yoga: The Path of Meditation (Part 1) | Swami Sarvapriyananda

Swami Sarvapriyananda speaks on Raja Yoga at a retreat on the Four Yogas. This is part 1 of the lecture on Raja Yoga.

► To support the Vedanta Society of New York: bit.ly/SupportVedantaNY

Web: vedantany.org
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iTunes Podcast: bit.ly/vedanta-talks-itunes
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Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions.

Vedanta Society of New York is affiliated with the Ramakrishna Order of India. In fact, this is the Orders first Center started by Swami Vivekananda, in 1894. It was a historic event, for the seed of the world-wide Ramakrishna Movement was sown here in New York over a century ago. Swami Sarvapriyananda is the present Resident Minister and Spiritual Leader of the Vedanta Society of New York.

Документальный фильм путешествие про горы «Ген высоты, или как пройти на Эверест» 3 серия

Смотреть документальный фильм путешествие про горы «Ген высоты, или как пройти на Эверест»
Документальный фильм с элементами реалити-шоу о восхождении на Эверест — высочайшую гору мира.

Съёмочная группа Валдиса Пельша присоединилась к экспедиции российских альпинистов на Эверест, для того чтобы совершить восхождение на высочайшую гору Земли. Первая экспедиция была прервана серией землетрясений. В 2016-ом году группа вернулась к подножию Эвереста, чтобы рассказать историю его покорения и показать от начала и до конца процесс восхождения на главную вершину мира.

Ведущий фильма: Валдис Пельш
Режиссёр: Кристина Козлова
Авторы сценария: Ира Михайлова, Анна Гапоненко



Why There Is Whispers From Mount Kailash At Night - Nutshell School

Why the Sound Of Whispers Come From Mount Kailash At Night

In Hinduism Lord Shiva is believed to be seated on Mount Kailash’s house. The mountain is full of supernatural powers. That’s why until now nobody has climbed this mountain. Apart from that, this mountain is synonymous with many other mysteries, to which no one has an answer.

Anyone who tried to climb Mount Kailash had died, and the Chinese government banned mountaineering because of these death-related accidents.

The Russian doctor had planned to scale its peak to reveal the mystery of Mount Kailash. There were also several geologists interested in that. The team spent months near Mount Kailash. He also revealed other things that have been a mystery to date and nobody knew about them. Mount Kailash is, according to that squad, a man-made pyramid. He also said there are a lot of supernatural events too.

In his novel, Dr Muldashif has written that mysterious sounds come from Mount Kailash’s silent manger at night. Some people still seem to live there today.

Besides that, the Tibetan Gurus often think there are many supernatural forces. It’s also said there is a mysterious state around Mount Kailash called Shambala. Where Siddha and ascetic people still live today.

The pyramid-shaped Mount Meru is, contrary to common theories, the product of the possessed technological abilities of some supernatural superhuman beings.

According to the Buddhist and Hindu scriptures, ancient monasteries and caves exist around Mount Meru in which the holy sages live in their material and subtle bodies. Just a few lucky ones will see those caves.

Thousands of pilgrims reach Tibet each year for pilgrimage to the Holy Mount Kailash. Some make it to the region and quite a few manage to finish by circumambulating the healed edge. As for scaling the summit, some adventurous mountaineers have attempted, but with no success, to do so.

Trekking all the way up to the summit of Mount Kailash is considered a prohibited act by Hindus for fear of transgressing the holiness of the mountain and upsetting the spiritual forces that reside there. A monk called Milarepa once traveled far enough to reach the peak of Mount Meru according to a Tibetan legend. When he came back he warned everyone not to bother the God sleeping high up in the top.

There are two magnificent lakes at the foot of Mount Kailash, namely Mansarovar and Rakshas Tal.

Mount Kailash is thought to be the Axis Mundi or celestial pole, earth center, earth pillar, world core, world flower. It is the moment heaven meets earth. Google Maps vouch for the fact’s validity.

Don’t be surprised if, after returning from your Mount Meru tour, you find your nails or hair grown by many millimetres. Tourists and pilgrims have discovered that the air from this ancient peak speeds up the ageing cycle!

Once a party of Siberian climbers arrived ahead of a certain stage and aged by a few decades at once. Shockingly, one year later all of the trespassers died of old age!

Watch full video and know more about it.
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Nutshell School Tags – #mountkailash #whispersfrommountkailash #mountkailashwhispers #whisperstnightfromkailash #didyouknow #didyouknowfacts #facts #mountkailasfacts

Дикая Лапландия / Wild Lapland (2019)

Год выпуска: 2019
Страна: США
Студия: Terra Mater Factual Studios
Жанр: Документальный, природа, флора, фауна
Продолжительность: 00:43:48
Перевод: Студийный (одноголосый закадровый)
Доп. инфо о переводе: Велес
Русские субтитры: нет
Режиссер: Мэтт Гамильтон / Matt Hamilton
Этот фильм — лирический показ жизни нескольких очаровательных диких животных, для которых Лапландия является настоящим домом.
Моя страница в Вк vk.com/id465249580
Кино на все времена www.youtube.com/channel/UCXOVdr9TyV3QKWtepDkL7BA

The Swiss Alps: Wild Animal Paradise | Free Documentary Nature

Gentle, green meadows, rugged rock faces, mysterious lakes, dense forests, tall mountains, low-lying river deltas, quietly meandering mountain streams and smack dab in the middle, a unique fauna — THIS is Switzerland! We trace the elementary power of nature and present animals and plants in landscapes that have hardly ever been touched by mankind. Switzerland is an alpine country, but it is also Europes surge tank. Rivers such as the Rhine and the Rhone have their sources here. Glaciers, crevasses, icy cold caves and the underwater dome of the Verzasca are the unusual settings we chose for this film. We meet with rare, selected animal species and present their behavioural patterns, such as the Swiss or Arven jay, the lynx and albino catfish. Cold, wind, snow and extreme locations demand adaptation that make us marvel.


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