How to practice effectively...for just about anything - Annie Bosler and Don Greene

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Для освоения любого навыка необходимо тренироваться. Тренировка — это повторение действия с целью его улучшения, она помогает нам выполнять задание легче, быстрее и увереннее. Как же тренировка помогает нашему мозгу улучшить выполнение действий? Энни Бослер и Дон Грин объясняют, как тренировки влияют на работу мозга.

Урок — Энни Бослер и Дон Грин, анимация — Мартина Мештрович.

Owning Alone: conquering your fear of being solo: Teresa Rodriguez at TEDxWilmington

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)

Три истории, которые изменили мою жизнь | Елена Шкарубо | TEDxNiamiha

Елена Шкарубо — создатель успешного стартапа, расскажет, как неудачи превратить в победы и начать «дело всей жизни». История о том, как найти смелость изменить свою жизнь, чтобы найти свой путь.

Выпускница Кингстонского университета по программе MBA, основатель международного сервиса для путешественников MeetnGreetMe, призер Глобальной предпринимательской конференции Morocco 2014, участник инициативы Белого дома SPARK по содействию развитию женского и юношеского предпринимательства.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Как не умереть от еды? | Olga Zinovyeva | TEDxKazan

Ольга Зиновьева рассказывает о вреде, который может нести не осведомленно выбранная повседневная еда здоровью человека. Глубоко персональная история Ольги поможет зрителям понять, как начать воспринимать еду по новому, так чтобы она была всегда вовремя готовой, содержащей правильные питательные компоненты и, конечно же, вкусной.

Ольга Зиновьева — Основатель и Генеральный директор ELEMENTAREE. Ольга соединяет людей, технологии и инвестиции с целью сделать еду персональной. Персональная еда доступнее, удобнее и вкуснее чем привычная еда. «Персональная еда» также означает, что она оказывает предсказуемое влияние на тело и жизнь человека в целом.

Olga Zinovyeva — CEO and Founder ELEMENTAREE. Olga brings together people, technology and investment to make food personal. Personal means food is more affordable, convenient and tasty than you’re used to. Personal also means that it has predictable result on your body and your life.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Умереть, чтобы жить | Александр Янкелевич | TEDxMahilyow

На протяжении последних 7 лет Александр работает как психолог: проводит индивидуальные консультации, групповую терапию, интенсивы и обучающие программы, как вживую, так и онлайн. В сфере его научных и практических интересов проблемы смысла и предназначения, смерть как фактор, влияющий на качество жизни. Психотерапевт This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Your health is governed by your Environment | Prof. BM Hegde | TEDxIITHyderabad

What part of your illnesses are genetic, and what part of them are environmental? B.M. Hegde breaks down misconceptions about health, and leaves us questioning what health actually means.

Professor B.M. Hegde is a medical scientist, educationist and author who has contributed immensely in the field of healthcare medical science, and is known for his holistic approach. He has been bestowed the prestigious Padma Bhushan award in 2010. He works towards putting together a system of medical care delivery which is authentic, inexpensive, patient friendly and easily accessible.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

How to be a Top Cop? | Amit Lodha | TEDxYouth@JPIS

Amit Lodha is one of the most versatile personas, who is not only a fantastic novelist, but even a tennis and squash aficionado, a music buff and an IPS officer. With several laurels including the prestigious Presidents Police Medal for Meritorious Service to his name, he also penned down “Bihar Diaries”, an engaging and wondrous piece of literature, which is an extraordinary feat. For Mr Lodha, boundaries do not exist — he shatters them all. We cannot wait for him to share his stimulating experiences at TEDxYouth@JPIS 2018.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

#TEDxYouth #TEDxYouthJPIS #JPIS #TalkOfTheDay #AmitLodha #Shatter #14December #Inspire #BreakingBoundaries #BiharDiaries
#ShatteringConventions #IPS #IdeasWorthSpreading Amit Lodha is one of the most versatile personas, who is not only a fantastic novelist, but even a tennis and squash aficionado, a music buff and an IPS officer. With several laurels including the prestigious Presidents Police Medal for Meritorious Service to his name, he also penned down “Bihar Diaries”, an engaging and wondrous piece of literature, which is an extraordinary feat. For Mr Lodha, boundaries do not exist — he shatters them all. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

Dont Believe Everything You Think | Lauren Weinstein | TEDxPaloAlto

Lauren Weinstein delivers an inspiring TEDxPaloAlto talk on how to break free from limiting beliefs.

Lauren Weinstein is a lecturer at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, teaching one of the most popular classes there—The Essentials of Strategic Communication. In addition to her work at the Business School, she has served as a guest lecturer and skills coach for Stanford Law School, the Stanford undergraduate program and the Stanford

In addition to her work at Stanford, Lauren is the founder of Resonate Coaching. As the principal at Resonate, Lauren works with clients ranging from TED speakers to start-up founders to high-level executives, helping them achieve more powerful public speaking and interpersonal communication skills.

Prior to her current work, Lauren served as a communication strategist for high level teams at Fortune 500 companies and worked with Santa Clara County in their mediation and communication skills training program.

Lauren received her J.D. from Stanford Law School and her B.A. in psychology from Stanford University. She’s also a certified leadership development coach through the Coaches Training Institute.

For more information about TEDxPaloAlto please visit

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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Языки мозга и культуры | Лекция Татьяны Черниговской

Какие процессы происходят во время мышления? Все ли загадки уже поддались ученым? Татьяна Владимировна Черниговская приоткрывает слушателям увлекательный мир тайн человеческого мозга.

Лекции «Фонема, фуэте, формула, фотон: языки мозга и культуры» Татьяны Владимировны Черниговской записана в рамках мастер-класса для молодых юристов.

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