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The Desire Trees of Vrindavan - Varsana is the sacred home of Srimati Radharani

Varsana is the sacred home of Srimati Radharani where she lived with her parents during the early years of Her life. Along with Her gopi maidservants She would traverse the wooded forests of Varsana as they went to the market to sell their milk products — sometimes meeting Her beloved Krsna along the way. One of Her favorite forests still exists to this very day with ancient “desire trees” still dotting the landscape. Our parikrama party had the good fortune to visit Varsana along with the mystic forest, where we hugged the tress as per tradition and begged one day become. eternal servants of the divine couple.

ISKCON New York City Renaissance!

Our monumental three day Ratha Yatra festival was celebrated in June of 2019, with a kirtan pilgrimage Tompkins Square Park, underneath the famous Hare Krishna Tree; a kirtan experience at the major commercial intersection known as Times Square, the crossroads of the world where anywhere between 30,000 — 50,000 pass through per day; a Ratha Yatra Parade down New Yorks most well known street, fifth Avenue; and, finally a flower festival at ISKCON New York Citys Sri Sri Radha Govinda Temple

An Open Secret - Food distribution with Indradyumna Swami at Pol’and’Rock festival.

It is said that Lord Caitanya’s secret weapon is prasadam, or vegetarian food offered to the Supreme Lord. It’s no longer a secret in Poland, however, as we distributed 160,000 plates of prasadam in Krsna’s Village of Peace at the recent Woodstock festival, now known as the Pol’and’Rock festival. We cooked, offered and distributed 160,000 full plates of prasadam in 5 days to the people attending the event. We prepared over 50 tons of foodstuffs! Two hundred devotees worked in shifts around the clock in 7 different large kitchens. Prasadam is tasty, nourishing and purifying. Our hearts were completely satisfied introducing the wonderful world of Krsna consciousness to the people in this way.

Harinama harinama harinama eva kevalam. Indradyumna Swami Bharatpur 3.02.2018

As promised, we returned to the town of Bharatpur, one hours drive from Vrindavan, with with a large harinam party. Bharatpur is famous as the «Iron Fort.» Due to its heavy defenses it was never conquered by Muslim invasions or during British rule. Not conquered that is, until we flooded the town with the nectar of the holy names of the Lord! People we initially stunned to see us, but were soon waving and smiling as we passed by. A number of citizens joined our chanting party and danced with us in great happiness. We distributed many books and thousands of pieces of prasadam. Afterwards we visited a newly opened museum in the Kings Palace. What a joy to spread the holy names here, there and everywhere!

Indradyumna Swami FB official page: www.facebook.com/indradyumna

Indradyumna Swami official site: www.travelingmonk.com
Indradyumna Swami audio archive: www.narottam.com
Indradyumna Swami Radio: indradyumna-swami-radio.com (http://ids-radio.com)
Indradyumna Swami Classes in russian: ids-media.com

Indradyumna Swami photo: indradyumnaswamiphotos.com
Indradyumna Swami diary: indradyumnaswamidiary.com
Indradyumna Swami parikrama: indradyumnaswamiparikrama.com

Indradyumna Swami heart: heart-of-indradyumna-swami.com

Indradyumna Swami Radio instagram: www.instagram.com/ids_radio

Indradyumna Swami Radio FB: www.facebook.com/Indradyumna.Swami.Radio/

Indradyumna Swami Radio VK: vk.com/indradyumna_swami_radio

Индрадьюмна Свами
Indradyumna Swami

Kirtan Bada Hari prabhu. Uchgaon, Vrindavan 11.10.2017

Indradyumna Swami FB official page: www.facebook.com/indradyumna

Indradyumna Swami official site: www.travelingmonk.com
Indradyumna Swami audio archive: www.narottam.com
Indradyumna Swami Radio: indradyumna-swami-radio.com (http://ids-radio.com)
Indradyumna Swami Classes in russian: ids-media.com

Indradyumna Swami photo: indradyumnaswamiphotos.com
Indradyumna Swami diary: indradyumnaswamidiary.com
Indradyumna Swami parikrama: indradyumnaswamiparikrama.com

Indradyumna Swami heart: heart-of-indradyumna-swami.com

Indradyumna Swami Radio instagram: www.instagram.com/ids_radio

Indradyumna Swami Radio FB: www.facebook.com/Indradyumna.Swami.Radio/

Indradyumna Swami Radio VK: vk.com/indradyumna_swami_radio

Индрадьюмна Свами
Indradyumna Swami

Тайны Враджа

Indradyumna Swami FB official page: www.facebook.com/indradyumna

Indradyumna Swami official site: www.travelingmonk.com
Indradyumna Swami audio archive: www.narottam.com
Indradyumna Swami Radio: ids-radio.com (http://indradyumna-swami-radio.com)

Indradyumna Swami photo: indradyumnaswamiphotos.com
Indradyumna Swami diary: indradyumnaswamidiary.com
Indradyumna Swami parikrama: indradyumnaswamiparikrama.com

Indradyumna Swami heart: heart-of-indradyumna-swami.com

Indradyumna Swami Radio instagram: www.instagram.com/ids_radio

Indradyumna Swami Radio FB: www.facebook.com/Indradyumna.Swami.Radio/

Indradyumna Swami Radio VK: vk.com/indradyumna_swami_radio

Индрадьюмна Свами
Indradyumna Swami

Vrinda Devi at Kamyavan. Indradyumna Swami

For our first parikrama we went to Kamyavan and had darshan of Vrinda-Devi, the beautiful reddish coloured Deity worshipped by Srila Rupa Goswami 500 years ago. In the courtyard of her temple we discussed many of Radha and Krsna’s pastimes, as well as Maharaja Yudhisthira’s answers to Yamaraja’s 10 questions that took place at nearby Dharma-kunda. The kirtans led by Bada Haridas prabhu were especially sweet in that most auspicious atmosphere.

Indradyumna Swami FB official page: www.facebook.com/indradyumna

Indradyumna Swami official site: www.travelingmonk.com
Indradyumna Swami audio archive: www.narottam.com
Indradyumna Swami Radio: ids-radio.com
Indradyumna Swami Classes in russian: ids-media.com

Indradyumna Swami photo: indradyumnaswamiphotos.com
Indradyumna Swami diary: indradyumnaswamidiary.com
Indradyumna Swami parikrama: indradyumnaswamiparikrama.com

Indradyumna Swami heart: heart-of-indradyumna-swami.com

Indradyumna Swami Radio instagram: www.instagram.com/ids_radio

Indradyumna Swami Radio FB: www.facebook.com/Indradyumna.Swami.Radio/

Indradyumna Swami Radio VK: vk.com/indradyumna_swami_radio

Индрадьюмна Свами
Indradyumna Swami

Madan Mohan Temple | मदन मोहन मंदिर | Braj Ras

Gimpses of Madan Mohan Temple, Vrindavan
मदन मोहन मंदिर के कुछ दृश्य, श्रीधाम वृन्दावन से


— Website: www.brajrasik.org

84 Kos places of Braj Dham with the google maps:

Hymns Written By Rasik Saints of Vrindavan:


Facebook: www.facebook.com/brajrasik.org
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/brajrasik
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brajrasik/

Tags: Braj, Vrindavan, Dham, Rasik, saint, Radha, Krishna, Ras, Lord, Bhakti, Vraja, Hari, Shyama, Vraj Ras, BrajRas, VrajRas, BrajRasik, Rasik, Devotion, Hinduism, Bhakti, Devotion, Barsana, Prem Mandir, Inspire, Love, Motivation, Life, Divine, India, Hindu, Vedic, Spiritual, Vedas, Bhagwat, Ramayan, Jagadguru Kripaluji, Hit Harivansh, Hariram Vyas, Swami Haridas, Nidhivan, Banke Bihari, Radha Damodar, Radha Vallabh, Bhata devacharya, Harivyas Devacharya, Mahavani, Bhagwat Rasik Ki Vani, Astacharya Ki Vani, 84kosBraj, Yuval Shatak

Radhey Radhey.

Sri Radhakunda (Full DVD)

Donate/Purchase at KrishnaStore

A documentary of the area of Sri Radhakunda — the most sacred place in the universe. Produced by Bhakti Caitanya Swami

Visit the most holy of all holy places, Radhakunda. Lost to the world for almost fifty centuries, it was rediscovered in 1516 when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was on pilgrimage to Vraja. Today this small lake, found at the head of Govardhana Hill, attracts thousands of pilgrims every year.

Take a visual tour around Radhakunda, visiting the many sacred sites and temples along the way. This tour includes the Ashta Sakhi temple, the Radha Madhava temple, the Radhakanta temple, and many others.