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Kartik Parikrama 2019 Visit to Chir Ghat with Indradyumna Swami

Going Deeper

The other day as part of our Kartika parikrama 2019 we visited Chir Ghat, where the playful pastime of Krsna stealing the clothes of the gopis took place. The nearby village was enchanting and the spiritual atmosphere of Chir Ghat was overwhelming. We discussed the pastimes that took place there and chanted in bliss with Bada Haridas prabhu. I would say that Chir Ghat is a must see for all Gaudiya Vaisnavas who want to go deeper into understanding the science of Bhakti — loving devotion for the Supreme Lord.

Nityananda Trayodasi Special Lecture by H.H Indradyumna Swami Maharaja at ISKCON Juhu

For More Inspiring Videos Click here: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhtmKWc6vRTA-FSsBHtbS53r4R2DkALM5

Nityananda Trayodasi Special Lecture by H.H Indradyumna Swami Maharaja at ISKCON Juhu

For more updates on ISKCON Juhu visit www.iskconmumbai.com/
At your service www.iskcondesiretree.net/ [For more videos — harekrishnatube.com]

SB 1.8.24 Indradyumna Swami. Kiev 14.05.2018

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Индрадьюмна Свами
Indradyumna Swami

"Shabari Receives Lord Ramas Mercy"

Dear devotees: Todays class [ December 8, 2020 ] is entitled, «Shabari Recieves Lord Ramas Mercy.» Well begin with a detailed description of the famous «Pearl» pastimes in Vrindavan and conclude with the touching story of Shabari, an outcaste woman who served her guru with great devotion and later received darshan of Lord Ramacandra on the forest. 3:30 p.m. India time on my YouTube channel.

Divine Origin of Yamuna River - From Yamunotri to Sri Vrindavan Dham

There are many ways we can offer our respectful obeisances to Yamuna, a good way is to pray to her. One prayer I can share is Yamunastakam, written by Srila Rupa Goswami. Coming from the heart of Srila Rupa Goswami we can understand its potency. And he requests her to flood that person with pure devotional service who recites these eight prayers with a cheerful heart.

Sri Sri Yamunastakam

bhratur antakasya pattane ’bhipatti-harini
preksayati-papino ’pi papa-sindhu-tarini
nira-madhuribhir apy asesa-citta-bandhini
mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

“May Yamunadevi, the daughter of Suryadeva, always purify me. She saves all, who touch her, from going to the realm of her brother Yamaraja, and enables even greatly wicked persons, who see her, to cross the ocean of their sinful deeds. Her attractive water charms the hearts of everyone.”

mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

“Yamunadevi adorns Indra’s great Khandava forest with her enchanting current, and upon her blooming lotus flowers, various birds are always dancing. Simply desiring to bath in her pleasant, crystalline waters frees one from even the greatest of sins. May Yamunadevi, the daughter of Suryadeva, always purify me.”

mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

“Sprinkling a single drop of her water upon oneself destroys the reaction of most heinous crimes. She increases the flow of confidential devotional service (raganuga-bhakti) for Nandanandana within one’s heart and blesses everyone who simply desires to reside on her banks. May Yamunadevi, the daughter of Suryadeva, always purify me.”

kanti-kandalibhir indranila-vrinda-nindini
mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

“Yamunadevi is so powerful, that although she flows through the seven oceans which surround the earth’s seven islands, she never merges with them. Being witness to many of Sri Mukunda’s wonderful pastimes, she manifests these pastimes in the hearts of those who take shelter of her. Her dark, shimmering beauty defeats the splendour of precious blue sapphires. May Yamunadevi, the daughter of Suryadeva, always purify me.”

mathurena mandalena carunabhimandita
prema-naddha-vaisnavadhva-vardhanaya pandita
mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

“Ornamented with the supremely enchanting land of Mathura-mandala, Yamunadevi skillfully inspires love of Godhead (prema) in the hearts of the Vaisnavas who bath in her. With playful waves, which are like her moving arms, she worships Padmanabha Sri Krishna’s lotus feet. May Yamunadevi, the daughter of Suryadeva, always purify me.”

mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

“Yamunadevi’s charming banks are further beautified by the fragrance from the flowers of kadamba trees and by loving cows. She is especially delighted when Nandalala’s devotees assemble on her banks. May Yamunadevi, the daughter of Suryadeva, always purify me.”

mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

“Filled with the warbling of thousands of joyful swans, Yamunadevi is worshipable to demigods, Siddhas, Kinnaras and humans whose hearts are dedicated to the service of Sri Hari. Anyone who is touched by her gentle breezes is freed from the cycle of birth and death. May Yamunadevi, the daughter of Suryadeva, always purify me.”

kirtitapi durmadoru-papa-marma-tapini
mam punatu sarvadaravinda-bandhu-nandini

“Yamunadevi flows through the three worlds known as Bhuh, Bhuvah and Svah and distributes her loving emotions. Singing her glories burns even the greatest sins to ashes. She has become fragrant by the scented ointments from the body of King Nanda’s son Sri Krishna, who enjoys to play in her waters. May Yamunadevi, the daughter of Suryadeva, always purify me.”

tusta-buddhir astakena nirmalormi-cestitam
tvam anena bhanu-putri sarva-deva-vestitam
yah staviti vardhayasva sarva-papa-mocane
bhakti-puram asya devi pundarika-locane

“O Suryaputri! Devi! O Yamuna, whose waves are very purifying and who is surrounded by all the demigods! For those who recite with cheerful heart this prayers, please increase their bhakti for lotus-eyed Sri Krishna, who liberates all persons from their sins.”
( Srila Rupa Goswami, Stava-mala)

Ter Kadamba Darshan

Ter Kadamba Darshan and Pastimes
Ter Kadamba is located 10km north of Barsana, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh


— Website: www.brajrasik.org

84 Kos places of Braj Dham with the google maps:

Hymns Written By Rasik Saints of Vrindavan:


Facebook: www.facebook.com/brajrasik.org
Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/brajrasik
Instagram: www.instagram.com/brajrasik/

Tags: Braj, Vrindavan, Dham, Rasik, saint, Radha, Krishna, Ras, Lord, Bhakti, Vraja, Hari, Shyama, Vraj Ras, BrajRas, VrajRas, BrajRasik, Rasik, Devotion, Hinduism, Bhakti, Devotion, Barsana, Prem Mandir, Inspire, Love, Motivation, Life, Divine, India, Hindu, Vedic, Spiritual, Vedas, Bhagwat, Ramayan, Jagadguru Kripaluji, Hit Harivansh, Hariram Vyas, Swami Haridas, Nidhivan, Banke Bihari, Radha Damodar, Radha Vallabh, Bhata devacharya, Harivyas Devacharya, Mahavani, Bhagwat Rasik Ki Vani, Astacharya Ki Vani, 84kosBraj, Yuval Shatak

Radhey Radhey.

The Hills of Varsana (Full DVD)

Donate/Purchase at KrishnaStore

A documentary on Varsana produced by Bhakti Chaitanya Swami

When Krishna moved with His parents from Vrindavana to Nandagrama, Srimati Radharani and her parents moved to Varsana, which is just eight kilometres away. Varsana is one of the richest areas of Radha and Krishna s pastimes. Even now They meet in the beautiful forests there every day, and one can feel Their transcendental presence everywhere.

This Video takes you on a journey through these sacred hills, to visit the temples and see the places where the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His eternal consort performed Their transcendental lilas together 5000 years ago

Locations: Vilas Garh; Sankari Kor; Ciksoli Grama; Krishna Kunda; Mor Kotir; Mana Kotir; Through the Forest; Dana Garh; Jaipur Temple; Sriji Temple; Pili Pokhara; and the Villages of the Asta Sakhis: Lalita — Unchagaon; Vishaka — Kamai; Campakalata — Kehrala; Indulekha — Anjanoka; Tungavidya — Dhavaro; Citra — Ciksoli; Rangadevi — Rakholi; Sudevi — Sonhera Grama; and other holy places of Varsana: Kadamkhandi; Suryakunda; and Prema Sarovara.